Discovery session

Hypnosis has always intrigued you but have you never dared to take the plunge? Or maybe you know but want to know more?

Our discovery session is intended to help you discover what hypnosis is, its benefits, and how it can help you.



Without knowing it, we go under hypnosis on a daily basis: in front of the TV, while driving, before and after sleep…

Definition of hypnosis

Hypnosis is a natural altered state of consciousness that we all go through every day. Except that most of the time we don’t use it for a specific purpose. We call this the daily trance.

Thanks to this fabulous tool, you have access to your unconscious, in order to induce deep and rapid changes in behavior (stop smoking, phobia, self-confidence, anxieties, mental preparation…).



hypnose geneve stress
Hypnose Hypnothérapie Genève

Benefits of hypnosis

Hypnosis takes you into a deeply relaxing state that is very beneficial to your overall health. This state allows you to reconnect and improves:

  • Self-confidence
  • Concentration
  • Sleep (regenerative and deep)
  • Memory
  • Phobias, fears, anxiety, anxieties
  • Develop healthy habits
  • Boosts the immune system
  • Connects you to your full potential
  • Helps you achieve your goals
  • Brings calm and mental well-being …and more…!

Hypnosis acting on the autonomic nervous system, all our systems and behaviors are impacted.


“Too many therapists try to reassure their patients; they try to dispossess their patients of the reality of their symptoms rather than accepting and working with that reality.” Milton Erickson

Participant reviews

“This Discovery Hypnosis evening was very interesting!! A big thank-you.


Self-hypnosis is the process of putting yourself under hypnosis. Basically, all hypnosis sessions are self-hypnosis because in the end it is always you who decide to enter hypnosis or not. It would be more accurate to speak of “alone” or “accompanied” hypnosis.

cédric abeck colife


Cédric Abeck

I discovered hypnosis in 2008, during a process of personal development.

This powerful technique immediately fascinated me. Firstly because it allowed me to understand how I functioned. I discovered that I had been using it unconsciously since I was little.

Then I took hypnosis training and that’s when a whole world opened up to me.

My experiences as a hypnotherapist have enriched me to the highest degree. Today I continue my way, mainly through the transmission.

Next sessions

Hypnosis questions

Are you going to make us do weird things?

NO ! Hypnosis is used in conscience and with total respect for the participants.

Will I remember the session?

YES, hypnosis is a state of hyper consciousness and not the other way around. But if you prefer to close your eyes and relax, it’s simply because you want to!

Is hypnosis dangerous?

NO. Before and after sleep, you spend every day in this state. When you are driving too…the hypnosis is present throughout the day.

What will this discovery session bring me?

General well-being, relaxation, confidence, information, potential…and above all a powerful key to changing your life.